Current topics and updates

News & interesting facts about Permagroup and Permaleads

Permaleads goes Spain!

Permaleads goes Spain!

Permaleads has officially launched its presence in Spain, with RESSNET - Your International Network and its dedicated team spearheading our marketing efforts and offering localized customer support!

Permaleads goes Italy!

Permaleads goes Italy!

Permaleads is now also present in Italy. Angelo Greggi and his team are supporting the marketing of Permaleads and will provide local customer support!

Christmas Greetings from Permagroup

Dear customer, dear business partner,

Permaleads 3.0

Permaleads 3.0

Permaleads 3.0 means more functions on a scalable platform and much more...

4 reasons for Permaleads

4 reasons for Permaleads

Generate more leads on the website with permaleads

The best acquisition ever???

The best acquisition ever???

Addressing the RIGHT customers with the RIGHT data.

Permagroup and Cohaga - a new partnership!

Permagroup and Cohaga - a new partnership!

Permagroup has entered into an exciting partnership with Cohaga, a proven specialist in the creation of Swiss company addresses.

New: User identification

With the new possibility of clearly identifying users, i.e. employees of visiting companies, a further step in the transparency of website visitors has been achieved.

Permagroup and Blinno - a new partnership!

Permagroup and Blinno - a new partnership!

Blinno supports companies in the digital simplification of business processes as well as in the technical connection of different system platforms (CRM, ERP and others).

Permaleads Release Update 2021

In recent weeks, we have continued to focus on refining visitor information and their interests. This has enabled us to reach an important new milestone.

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Responsible for the website
permagroup GmbH
Neue Allmendstrasse 44
CH-8703 Erlenbach

D-U-N-S® No.: 48-036-5514

Design & Programming
Creanet Internet Service AG
Schäracher 9
CH-6232 Geuensee
041 552 19 00

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