Kostenlose Beratung

Data protection according to GDPR

The Permaleads online application identifies B2B website visitors using web tracking and categorizes leads. Visitors are identified in a multi-stage identification process and exclusively for legal entities. The following information, among others, is determined:

  • Company, address (street, postal code,city and country), website, origin (longitude and latitude), and telephone number of the visiting company;
  • The referrer URL from which the visiting company reached the website by clicking on a link;
  • Date, time and duration of the visit as well as pages visited and time spent on each page;
  • Name of the visitor's Internet service provider.

Permaleads fulfills the data protection requirements and the customers or website visitors are comprehensively informed about the use of Permaleads with the data protection declaration provided and within the framework of the GTCs. The General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union as well as the revised Swiss Data Protection Act (DSG) as of September 1, 2023 serve to protect the data of natural persons, not legal entities.

Further information on this:


Claudio Antonica

CEO Permagroup GmbH

Despite the extensive database, the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons are protected. In particular, the right to informational self-determination remains unaffected. No personal data is collected or processed. The processing of sensitive personal data remains subject to strict conditions. The respective purpose is decisive for further processing and requires corresponding transparency. Any misuse of personal data remains prohibited.

Data protection is the be-all and end-all of our business model. All leads collected are based on publicly available company information and do not contain any personal visitor information.

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