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Permaleads 3.0

Permaleads 3.0 means more functions on a scalable platform and much more...

Permaleads 3.0 was launched two months ago. In the meantime, additional optimizations have been made and smart enhancements implemented.

The following impressive KPIs have been recorded since the start of the launch:

  • Over 40,000 leads generated
  • More than 200,000 visits
  • Migration of 2,000 users and over 1,000 websites
  • Highlight: our new Permascore and the 100% availability of Permaleads!!!

Our goal is to help our customers achieve their marketing and sales goals faster, easier and more cost-effectively! Valuable customer feedback on Permaleads expansion requests helps us to provide a customer-focused tool.

The latest development in Permaleads, an integrated dashboard, analyzes the Permaleads data and can be activated on request. The dashboard can also be expanded with data from analytics and campaigns. This combination enables a new dimension of data analysis and significantly improves the tracking of campaigns.

Our pipeline for the coming year is full of further exciting, value-adding developments.

We look forward to continuing to support you with innovative insights.

Claudio Antonica

Permaleads 3.0
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