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Permaleads Release Update 2021

In recent weeks, we have continued to focus on refining visitor information and their interests. This has enabled us to reach an important new milestone.

With the new "Session Replay" function, it is possible to replay a visit to the company. The content read is thus viewed with the "eye" of the visitor. This gives you valuable and even more specific information about which website content is of particular importance to the visitor.

With the "heat map", you can recognize the length of stay and clicks of the respective visitor mouse on your website. You can use this information to further optimize your website or parts of it with the aim of increasing the customer experience and dwell time of your visitors.

Book these optional features now to give your sales and marketing team access to even more detailed information. Develop your lead management with Permaleads and increase your success!

PS: You can still test the integration of Permaleads data into your CRM systems with Permaleads Connect free of charge!

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