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Target group definition


It must be known in advance which target group the market development measure is to be aimed at. This forms the essential basis for successful acquisition.

Information about the size of the target group and other company characteristics have a significant influence on the success or failure of planned market activities. By applying the correct criteria, wastage is avoided, time expenditure is minimized and budgets are spared.

Do you know your target group? We would be happy to work out the necessary basics with you.


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Company data

Global company data via Permagroup provides the basis for target group definition and gives insight into size, industry, contact person and other criteria. This information is required for potential new customer selection and identification of the right recipient.

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Online targeting

Online targeting data from Permagroup offers you the opportunity to target your new customer acquisition to selected companies - locally and worldwide.

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Acquisition basis

Permagroup's predictive targeting data gives you a head start in knowing which companies will have current and future needs based on digital behavior patterns. This serves as a basis for acquisition.

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Customer profile

Permagroup's customer profile analysis supplements your existing customer information with the market data of your website visitors. On this basis, precise profiles of potential customers are defined in order to implement effective and efficient market development.

Customer profile analysis

We combine and structure offline data from your customer database with the online data from your website generated by Permaleads. The resulting company profiles are finalized with you and used for your desired market development. Based on this, a qualitative company overview is prepared for you that corresponds to your target group.

This approach makes it possible to

  • Analyzing markets
  • Profiling and segmenting target groups
  • Deepening and expanding customer relationships
Benefit analysis
Your benefit
Increase in sales
Global database
Mobile friendly
Swiss development
Data protection compliant
Fair pricing model
Flexible use

Ready for the next step?

Get free consultation on Permalytics.

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